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Code Chronicles

This website was my first contact with Sveltekit. It allowed me to learn the fundamentals principles of Sveltekit.

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A personal blog where I share my experiences and knowledge in the world of coding. This website was my first step into the world of SvelteKit, allowing me to learn its fundamental principles and build upon them.

Key Features

  • Markdown Blog : A simple yet effective way to publish articles, with options to sort posts by language or category.
  • Search Functionality : Search through all published articles, making it easy to find specific content.
  • Dynamic Content : No database is used, as all posts are dynamically fetched and their metadata parsed in real-time.

Project Details

Code Chronicles serves as a platform for me to document my journey with coding. This website showcases my learning process, from initial steps with SvelteKit to more complex projects built on top of it. The use of TailwindCSS and Markdown further emphasizes the simplicity and effectiveness of this blogging setup.